Massage Hands and Arms

Have you enjoyed a wonderful weekend outside, working in the garden, doing a project, trying out a new sport? Your Arms and Hands might be very sore now.

Here is a guide to loosen up the tight muscles and stretch the forearms and wrists. Your body will appreciate stretching before and after the work. Take a little time to recover faster from the strain.

New Year resolution offers- something for everyone*

*any of these offers need to be purchased by January 21, 2020

Introduction to Phenomenal Touch Massage

45 min. Introductory Session to Phenomenal Touch, including brief Intake and 30 min. Massage

Curious how Phenomenal Touch Massage can fit into your health, wellness and healing goals? This is your chance to get a “feel” for it and meet the practitioner, Antje Roitzsch.

At Healing Arts Maine, we help you develop an awareness of living in your body with joy; help you understand the story it is telling and generate love and acceptance of living in this beautiful temple of your soul; and build a relationship with it that is rooted in love, respect, honor and trust.

Regular price $75

Offer $50     Buy Now Button 

First time clients only. This offer is also available as a Gift Certificate. Call or email about details.

New client Intake Session

Reconnect with Yourself And Your Body through Phenomenal Touch

Give yourself 2 hours for your first Session.

At Healing Arts Maine, we help you develop an awareness of living in your body with joy; help you understand the story it is telling and generate love and acceptance of living in this beautiful temple of your soul.  Antje loves to help peoplerelease old trauma stored in the body; create positive relationships with their body and maintain a sense of well being. This work especially compliments people that are on their path to self discovery and understanding.

Antje brings her ability and talent as a sculptor to the massage table, giving her the sensibility to touch and work the tissue of the body like clay. She listens with her hands in a three-dimensional, sculptural way.

Regular Price $145

Offer $115     Buy Now Button

First time clients only. This offer is also available as a Gift Certificate. Call or email about details.

Triple Emersion

1 full two hour Intake and 2 Follow up Phenomenal Touch Sessions of 90 Min.

Are you ready to make a commitment to your own health and well being? Kick start it with these first 3 sessions, scheduled all within 3 months to give your body a chance to integrate new muscular information.

  • Maintain comfort and mobility in areas of scarring by surgery and radiation and promote overall well being.
  • Changing old habits
  • becoming aware, raising self esteem and postural patterns
  • support during life transitions
  • Reconnecting with yourself and your body on your healing journey
  • Reset muscular and mental tension in a stressful live
  • Deep transformational work on the way to wholeness
  • dissolving tension
  • Learning to surrender, build trust
  • nourishing, nurturing touch

Can be a great Gift Certificate

First time clients only. All 3 Sessions have to be redeemed in a 3 month time period End of March 2020).This offer is also available as a Gift Certificate. Call or email about details.

Regular price $385

Offer $320  Buy Now Button

Focused Approach

*For current clients that have had a session in the last 2 year.

4 Phenomenal Touch Sessions of 60 min. to address a specific issue head on.

Are you ready for change? Commit to resolving a specific issue with shorter more concentrated Sessions.

  • Reconnecting with yourself and your body on your healing journey
  • Support your body after injury
  • Change postural patterns
  • Maintain comfort and mobility in areas of scarring by surgery and radiation and promote overall well being.
  • Changing old habits
  • Becoming aware, raising self esteem
  • Support during life transitions
  • Reset muscular and mental tension in a stressful live
  • Deep transformational work on the way to wholeness
  • Dissolving tension
  • Learning to surrender, build trust
  • Nourishing, nurturing touch

For current clients that have had a session in the last 2 year. All 4 Sessions have to be redeemed in a 2 month time period (end of March 2020). This offer is available as a Gift Certificate. Call or email about details.

Regular Price $400

Offer $340    Buy Now Button

Gift Certificate

Any offer can be given as a gift Certificate. Call 207-542-4285 or Email, requesting the offer as a gift certificate. Include your name, address, email and the recipients name.

Use the PayPal buttons with your credit card, giving  special instructions or send a check to Antje Roitzsch at Camden Whole Health, 91 Elm St. Camden ME 04843 and I’ll send you a PDF Gift Certificate, or arrange to pick it up.

Phenomenal Touch- more than a massage, Part 2


Take in this image. How does this resonate in your body? Ahhh, I can feel the stretch, the elongation; slowly, gently and fully supported from underneath.

Every body likes to get stretched and moved differently. Finding the unique unfolding of the tissue for every client makes it interesting and fun. It isn’t just the arm that is being stretched; you can see the whole shoulder joint including the clavicle, the neck, almost the whole torso is engaged.

A client described feeling pulled like taffy. It takes warming up the tissue to be able to sink into deeper layers and the image of taffy works beautifully to envision how muscles will soften and stretch. If one tries to bend taffy when cold, it will not budge or be brittle and break. When warmed up it can almost be sculpted like clay.

In the image you can see a quality of surrender in letting the whole body respond to a stretch or move. Surrender only can happen if there is trust and the feeling of safety. One can only feel safe when there is enough support and the move or stretch is at the perfect speed for the muscles to let go. If the speed is too fast, the muscles will want to guard and tighten.  Trust also has to develop over time between client and therapist.  Finding and building that trust and providing the safety for the body to unfold is one of the most important goals in my Phenomenal Touch Sessions.

As the image from Part 1, this image is part of the exhibit “Body as Art”; a collaboration of Antje Roitzsch and Deborah Cautela, both Phenomenal Touch Master Practitioners, Photographer Lisa Elizabeth and 4 models.

This exhibit was inspired by having massaged many different bodies over the years and developed the sense of awe, reverence and honor to meet the person where they are. To work with different bodies and body types, treasuring and celebrating each and every one of them as a creation of art.


Phenomenal Touch- more than a massage, Part 1


This image is part of the exhibit “Body as Art”; a collaboration of Antje Roitzsch and Deborah Cautela, both Phenomenal Touch Master Practitioners, Photographer Lisa Elizabeth and 4 models.

This exhibit was inspired by having massaged many different bodies over the years and developed the sense of awe, reverence and honor to meet the person where they are. To work with different bodies and body types, treasuring and celebrating each and every one of them as a creation of art.

I will pick different images for the next few posts to describe the many different facets and qualities that make Phenomenal Touch so unique.


Gazing upon this image, what feelings and emotions rise up in you? Take a moment to pause and feel into yourself. What part of you resonates with this image?

I take a deep breath and feel a wave of peace come over me. My shoulders drop. The image presents to me a moment of stillness, rest, a quiet presence. There is nothing active happening. It feels like the end of an exhalation, the moment of empting and complete quiet and peace. Yet it feels supported and witnessed. It evokes the feeling of trust and surrender. The space is being held for the receiver to completely connect with themselves. This is the moment I love to facilitate in my Phenomenal Touch Sessions.

For this reason I chose this image to introduce you to Phenomenal Touch even though there are so many undulation, 3 dimensional stretches and moves to choose from.

Exterior life is busy, pushing and pulling us in all directions. I feel it is important to experience the pause; the moment between exhalation and the new inhalation where you can connect with yourself in the stillness.

Let this image remind you that you can tap into your inner peace in the pause between each breath.




Workshop: Reducing stress with your own hands

Screen Shot 2019-04-28 at 9.52.47 PMEveryone knows that massage has great health benefits. Why not incorporate it into your daily life?

On Wednesday 5/15 from 6-8pm at Camden Whole Health, 91 Elm St, corner Park St, Camden, Antje Roitzsch will instruct participants in simple seated massage techniques that can be practiced at home.  This workshop will be a fun interactive way to learn what quality of touch feels right to you. While receiving, you will learn to guide the giver to massage you with the pressure and speed that feels right to you. While giving, you will learn to listen for guidance in a non-judgmental environment, adjusting your pressure and speed to meet the needs of the receiver. You will also learn to massage, using your body without effort or strain.

Wear comfortable clothing and prepare to have fun and relax. The fee is $ 15 per person. Bring a friend or come by yourself.

FMI call Antje 207-542-4285

The Joy of Letting Go


The Joy of letting go

Have you been swept up by the magic cleaning and tiding craze lately?

My sister inspired me and I started with my cloths. Now I am in the process of finding homes for some books (let me know if you want some German books)

I think the reason we started examining our belongings and see what still has relevance in our present life is that our mother passed away recently. Having first moved her to a small apartment and then dissolving the household after her death gave us practice in sorting out.

For me it was a process of realizing that even the most prized and cherished possessions, containing fond memories, boils down to being “Stuff”. It doesn’t matter if it has external value or not. I felt suffocated by the sheer amount of belongings that are left behind when a person crosses the threshold to another reality. If I where living in Germany in a large house, I would have been tempted to keep a lot of art work and books. Luckily I had to be very selective in what to take or mail. This process set in motion, continues with examining my own “Stuff”.  What is truly important to me? What served me in the past, but is now outgrown? What do I drag around as a burden? It is not just my material possessions that undergo scrutiny. It is deeper questions- who am I without my mother? The main anchor emotionally rooting me in Germany is cut loose. I am drifting and having to find my own new identity and roots. What do I want to invite in, what do I want to create space for? It seems to me that my external surroundings are a mirror of my internal cluttered state of mind, emotions and also relationship to my own body. I am longing for a clean slate, a new start, a lighter unburdened existence.  Below the dread and fear of change, there is a kernel of joy for the new that I can glimpse. My heart is already joyfully jumping, being surrounded only with relevant possessions. I am looking forward to shedding habits and behaviors that I developed as coping mechanisms to past events. What else is holding me back? What about the armor I build up around myself for protection? How much of it do I still need? How much of this is also reflected in my posture? Can I retrain my muscles? And how much more self esteem do I need to develop to truly embody a new posture? What does my soul need to be nurtured and my body to be nourished? What can I tackle by myself and what do I need help with? Luckily there are quite a number of practitioners in this area here that can support this transformation.

It is a blessing and gift to be willing to tackle all these questions. I have a sense that after this process my life will be much more clear and have more purpose. I will feel freer and my body will move and function with more ease.

I know I am not the only one going through this life change. Reach out, ask for support. I certainly can help you discover your new body.

Winter Wellness Fair 1/27/18

CWH logo

Winter Wellness Fair

At Camden Whole Health

Saturday January 27, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Snow date Sunday January 28

CAMDEN, Maine—Just in time to support your New Year’s resolutions, Camden Whole Health is hosting its second annual “Winter Wellness Fair” on January 27th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Health and wellness practitioners will be presenting free 30-minute workshops on a variety of topics.

At 3 pm there will be a screening of the movie, “Magic Pills.” Filmmaker and Homeopath Ananda More, explores multiple media campaigns against homeopathy, propelling her to travel the world and uncover whether homeopathy is truly science-based and effective or a mere placebo that endangers lives.

Visitors can tour the facility and enjoy healthy refreshments while meeting the practitioners. Doors open at 10:00 a.m. at 91 Elm Street in Camden. For more information, go to:

Here is a link to a clearer program: Wellness Fair Program copy

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