Helpful Links

This page is evolving constantly.  Should you have a link worth mentioning, please let me know.


Antje Roitzsch My own website- showing the variety of offerings (not mobile friendly)

Destination Wellness Midcoast Maine – DWMM- a wonderful Resource of alternative health practitioners in this area. I am super excited about this website. The 2nd addition of the print version is also out. Find it at health offices and centers.

Red Bird Acupuncture – think about acupuncture

Yamuna Body Rolling– I find it one of the best self help tools, working and exploring your own body

MortonsfootPosture starts at the feet. Lots of resources and helpful blog articles

NMT articles Helpful articles

Women to Women Health Center in Yarmouth, ME.  Lots of info on their website

The Urban Monk health and healing. I just stumbled across a very informative video and there are so many more- check it out

Mental Health. Recovering from Psychiatry. A great resource about Mental health and Psychiatry.  Laura Delano is sharing her story of being labeled mentally ill as a teenager.  And finally finding a way back to herself, claiming her self.  She is also a participant in the documentary Crazywise

Planet Waves Astrology

Planet Watcher– current astrological positions

The Shift Network – great resource of spiritual teachings and information

Caroline Myss – Great spiritual teacher

Linda Backman – Soul evolution author and teacher, past life regression

Articles I find interesting and helpful:

Rethinking the usefulness of icing- or not: Article

Face Book Pages:

Healing Arts Maine my own FB page.  I share insights and list helpful links to other sites.

Yamuna Body Rolling The Yamuna FB page is a great resource.  She writes a lot of great helpful contributions about body alignment and simple videos that you can benefit from greatly. 


Sacred Contract by Caroline Myss     I love her teaching