I practice massage therapy and know all the research that proves that regular massage and bodywork can be one of the best ways to either improve ones health or maintain well being.
Even though a lot of people know that to be true as well, there seems to be an internal obstacle to implement this simple wellness solution into action.
Often the first response is- I can’t afford it.
One way I could interpret this is – I am not worth it.
I remember a client quoting her dad’s wisdom: The most important part in your life is good health, number 2 is good health, number 3 is…. good health. Our body is the one that is carrying us into old age. We only have this one. Is it worth keeping it in good health and well maintained? Are you worth it?
Most of us are pretty good at another maintenance; our car.
I always find this comparison interesting. We accept that a car should get 4 oil changes a year. Other regular check ups are required. Once the car has over 100,000 miles, the yearly inspection might require additional repairs, which can easily reach $1000 a year. If you don’t want to deal with repairs, you most likely have a car payment of about $ 4-6000 a year. Additionally a lot of people invest in regular car washes and detailing.
For the money you spend on your car, you can receive at least monthly, if not weekly massages, acupuncture or other modalities of your choice and support your body to stay healthy, especially if you purchase package deals.
The one big difference between our cars and our bodies is that the car is a mechanical device that needs to get fixed when it breaks. Your car needs those repairs, even if they add up to $700. But our body is a living organism. It can adapt and compensate. If a muscle gets injured or is overused, the body starts a healing process, and perhaps tries to alter movement patterns. Another muscle with similar action might try to take over the work. Or you learn to live with the tight neck, the tension headaches, and accept that your shoulder can’t reach as high any more. This compensation can seduce you not to pay attention to your body- until you develop severe pain or become seriously ill. To fix those conditions can be a long process of healing and be very costly. You also might not be able to work during that time, adding to the financial hardship.
An ounce of prevention goes a long way to avoid this scenario and so much more affordable in the long run.
Aren’t you worth it to invest in yourself?
I love regular massages, acupuncture, and chiropractic treatment, as well as fresh organic food.
What will nourish your body and sustain your wellbeing? Get that regular oil change and keep your body running smoothly.
Antje Roitzsch- Healing Arts Maine